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Little Shop of Knowledge

In the beginning there was disentangling, and disentangling was my blog. I never really documented things that had sincere value to me but I only wished to sweep the stress of deadlines and commitment “under the rug”. This title came from Oakeshott’s description of what education is, however I didn't really like it as a title for my blog.
Today, as I reflected upon the highlights of my first semester at the MPC I pictured my brain saying, “Feed me!” the same way the carnivore plant in Little Shop of Horrors says it. (Click here to listen) When I was in middle school I saw this musical with my class and I remember vividly the carnivore plant becoming bigger, bigger and bigger as it begged to be fed human flesh. It began tiny but the more it ate the more it grew until it was strong, powerful and independent. This deep, seductive and dangerous voice comes to mind when I picture my brain craving for knowledge. Now, I don’t intend to attach the connotation of an evil green monster to what my brain is, but I hope to make my point in that now that I’ve gotten a taste of it (lerning) I can only ask for more.

This virtual space is intended to resemble my own little shop of knowledge. In here we pay with time and dedication, seems expensive I know, but these products are guaranteed to last a lifetime and they may be used as many times as one wants with the benefit that with every use, they don’t become obsolete, but rather fresh and renewed.


To say that I have finished every book, and documented every lesson would be a terrible lie and it would go against what I’ve learned from this conversation so far. I have not yet finished every single page, of every book and that is why in some parts my understanding may seem rather superficial (because it was) and I blame no one but myself. Up to July 26 of 2013 I will document what I’ve read and learned honestly in this first year of the MPC, however I hope to continue adding thoughts and lessons that I gain from finishing these books.


Hope you (and I in some near future) enjoy witnessing some of the crazy voyages my brain endured when facing the various themes that lie within these books.


Warm regards,


Javier Parellada (July 15, 2013) 





This is me. 


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