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The Lean Startup by Eric Ries



What is the book about as a whole?


The Lean Startup is Eric Ries introduction to the movement that is changing the way businesses are built.


What is being said in detail?


This book accounts for the revolutionary methods of innovating and generating businesses, products and services during our times. No longer is it a bureaucratic and theoretic process but Ries takes an approach that explain how the “lean” way is a very active process of constant verification and risk.


What was most meaningful to me?


Perhaps its in us humans to expect for conditions to be perfect in order to make a decision. When we start some project or a venture that is risky we want to know all the details and all the answers beforehand, we want everything to work according to plan but we fall on the mistake of immersing ourselves in these models and ideals in our minds instead of working with reality towards success even if we encounter plenty of failures in our way. It’s always easier said than done. Last term we began a “film team” with some friends from the MPC and others that were in the program previously. We slowly evolved into what will hopefully turn into a successful production company in the future.


“Lean Startup isn't about being cheap [but is about] being less wasteful and still doing things that are big.”

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